
Welcome to the High School Knowledge Circle website. Here, we showcase our work, host resources and post updates to support our journey.


  • Session 6-7


    As salamu alaikum, Yesterday’s session was incredibly successful and filled with engaging and productive conversations. We delved into a range of significant topics from Zionism to the profound impact of the Holocaust and World War II. We also covered history; exploring the journey from the Ottoman Empire to the contemporary landscape of Palestine. Looking forward…

  • Session 5

    Session 5


    As salamu alaikum, Due to recent world events, we will be talking a short break for our regular studies (Quran and book study). And in their stead, I will cover some relevant topics in a relaxed yet informative manner. The topic for Session 5 is “Media Literacy”. Participants don’t have to prepare or present anything.…

  • Session 4 – Post Session Reflection

    Session 4 – Post Session Reflection


    As salamu alaikum, We had an amazing session yesterday. We had to branch out from our initial plan for session 4 and cover a few basics of the ongoing Palestine-Israel conflict. Thanks to the invitations sent by our council members, what initially started as a slide deck for our fact-finding exercise and tool to facilitate…

  • Homework for Session 3

    Homework for Session 3


    As salamu alaikum. For session 3: For items 1-3, write summaries that are 3-5 lines, 5-8 lines, or in bullet point format. And write any questions that come to mind and anything that stands out. For item 4, watch the video and read the English translation. Session 3 is on the 21st of July 18th…

  • Homework for Session 2

    Homework for Session 2


    As salamu alaikum, For session 2: For the readings, write a summary (3-5 lines, 5-8 lines, or bullet points), questions that come to mind, and anything that stands out. And for the videos, watch the duration that is mentioned. Then do some research to answer the following questions: InshaAllah, Session 2 is on June 16th…

  • Accessing Book: Journey to Makkah

    Accessing Book: Journey to Makkah


    The book “Journey to Makkah” by Murad Hofmann is available on archive.org . We can digitally borrow it by: 1. going to https://archive.org/details/journeytomakkah0000hofm 2. clicking This gives you access to the full book for 1 hour. When you are done, click on the red “Return now” button. You can also have to book read out…

  • Homework for Session 1

    Homework for Session 1


    As salamu alaikum. For session 1, please read: Session 1 is on the 19th of May. From 6:30-8:00 pm. Let me know if you have any questions or need help accessing any of the resources. Thanks.